Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who stinks more Wells or Jones?

Up until about a month ago I could have cared less about local politics. Since then I have researched many of the candidates and at times found myself feeling frustrated. Why? I will keep that to myself.

I have been paying close attention to the race for Mayor and City Council at Large but today decided it was time to look into the district that I live in, District 2. Until this morning at 10 am I had never heard of either candidate running to represent me, my neighbors and the homeless people that walk up and down the street I live on.

I did a quick search on Goldie Wells and ran across this article from the Greensboro News & Record. One of the questions from the article that Wells answered is below.

Question: How would you evaluate the City Council's handling of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's report?

Answer: F

1 comment:

David Hoggard said...


On this issue, Goldie was grade the Council as a whole on the GRC process.

Wells, along with DBS and Johnson championed the issue but the white members would have nothing to do with it.

Her answer should have been "F-".

She is good for District 2 - my District as well as yours.