Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Latest Milton Kern for Mayor Email

Dear Friend of the Milton Kern for Mayor Committee:

Greensboro’s future is at stake. As a community, we are at a crossroads. The decisions we make today will impact our community for many years to come. I want to be your next mayor who uses common sense solutions to get things done.

I am a businessman, not a career politician. As mayor, I will have an open door policy, and will not support decisions that affect all of us being made behind closed doors without accountability. I will fight for open, efficient and responsive government. The mayor and city council are all employees of the citizens of Greensboro, and must be responsive to their bosses – the taxpayers.

As mayor, I will provide our police and fire departments with the resources and support they need to protect our communities. Just as important, I will make sure that the police department is free of discrimination and corruption, so that you can trust the police to act with professionalism and respect.

I know that economic development comes from taking action, not accepting politics as usual. I’ll work to attract new businesses and to make sure that existing businesses have the support they need to succeed.

With your vote on Tuesday, November 6th, you will join me as we continue to move Greensboro forward in the right direction when it comes to:

-Efficient and open government.
-Retaining and attracting quality jobs,
-Providing our police and fire departments the resources and support they need to protect our communities.

Together we will keep Greensboro moving forward with common sense solutions to get things done. Thank you in advance for your support.

Candidate for Mayor
City of Greensboro

Milton Kern for Mayor Headlines – October 18, 2007:

Early Voting Starts Today
Early voting starts today, Thursday, October 18th and runs through Saturday, November 3rd. If you or someone you know is not registered to vote, they can do so at any of the Early Voting sites and vote on that same day. However, same-day registration ends November 3rd and will not be available on Tuesday, November 6th. Follow the link below to the Guilford County Board of Elections website for more information. Every vote will be crucial in this year’s election!
Early Voting Information

Kern Kanvass This Weekend
Join us this Saturday, October 20th and Sunday, October 21st as we canvass precincts G32, G33 and G34. We will meet at Claxton Elementary (Pinetop Road off Westridge near Bryan Boulevard) on Saturday at 9:30am, and at Westminster Presbyterian Church (W. Friendly near Holden Road) on Sunday at 1pm. The more volunteers who join us, the more doors we knock on and voters we reach. Join us and bring along 1 or 2 friends and family members. We’ll have all the information you’ll need, and it will be a very simple process. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at

Mayoral Forum Tonight – Join Us and Let Your Voice be Heard
The Greensboro Neighborhood Congress is hosting a mayoral forum tonight, Thursday, October 18th starting at 6:45pm in the Nussbaum Room of the Central Library in downtown Greensboro. Hear from Milton Kern and bring your questions for both candidates to answer so you can make an informed decision on November 6th. Find out where the candidates stand on protecting our neighborhoods and quality of life, growing our economy, getting more water flowing to Greensboro, bringing more accountability to local government, and being more responsible with our taxpayer dollars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Talking points, nothing but talking points.