Monday, October 22, 2007

Mayor Forum..... Veryyyyy Boring!

To better educate myself I went to the mayor forum last Thursday at the library in downtown Greensboro. I was actually kind of excited to attend the event and was ready to be open minded about both candidates, Johnson and Kern. Other than the five A&T students (who were there only to see how a forum is run because they are doing one of their own) I was by far the youngest in the crowd. The median age of the audience was somewhere around 62. Before the question and answer session started each candidate had 10 minutes to talk about anything they wanted. This is where I quickly new that I was in for a long night.

Let me cut to the chase. The candidates were more boring than I could have ever imagined. The one thing I did note is that Johnson looks tired. Can she really pull off being mayor?

I plan on going to the At Large session tonight at the same location... I think it starts around 6:45 pm. Hopefully this forum will not put everyone to sleep.

Someone needs to give the two candidates for mayor a little passion.

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