Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kay Hagan and Peoples Comments

I had the opportunity to hear Kay Hagan speak about a month ago and I thought she was a very interesting and has done a good job representing Guilford County (from what I have seen). A day or so before I saw her speak she announced that she would not be running for the United States Senate. Rumors have been flying lately that she has changed her mind and will be running in 08. This morning all of that speculation came to an end. The Kay Hagan for United States Senate campaign is on! She has posted a video on her Web site that you should take a minute to watch.

Ed Cone, a Greensboro blogger has also posted this story on his blog but what I would like to draw your attention to is the
comments that people have made. Why is it people want others to fail so badly? Is it because they have failed at life and want someone to join their club? One of the comments (By Dr. Mary Johnson) was, “A "fresh voice" in Washington? Are you kidding?” Maybe she isn’t kidding.

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