Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My take on the Monday Night At Large Forum. Big Surprises!!

Last nights City Council at Large forum at the downtown library was pretty interesting. I enjoyed listening to this group of candidates much more than the candidates for mayor… they were very boring.

I am simply going to be honest for a bit so try to read the entire post before you fly off the cuff. As I watched the candidates enter the room I found myself judging them by how they looked and who I felt I could relate to. It was also humorous that when I first saw Kevin Green (who I knew nothing about) I instantly thought to myself, “This guy looks like a car salesman!” His face was red, his hair was slicked back and he just looked like he was a product pusher. Marikay Abuzuaiter… I think in the running for politics rulebook it should say, “If your name is Marikay Abuzuaiter change your name before you start a campaign.” People are not going to vote for her just because they can’t pronounce/remember her name. Robby Perkins seemed to be the only guy that I got good energy from (before the forum actually started).

Once the candidates sat down (Sandra Anderson was late) they each had five minutes to talk about anything they wanted. At the end of this first segment I liked (when I say liked understand I mean the best choice of the options) Sandra Anderson, Kevin Green (Which really surprised me) and Robby Perkins. Bill Knight seems like a very nice guy but I think his inexperience is going to hurt him. After the first segment the candidates were asked a series of questions and had two minutes to answer each question. This is where I really started to question one candidate… Robby Perkins. When Robby is standing in front of a crowd he is “on” and can really deliver his message. He seems like a much more polished politician than the others when he is “on.” Let me explain what “on” means. When you are “on” you are essentially performing for the audience. When Robby was sitting down and not answer a question his body language was absolutely horrible!! He was slouching in his chair, tilting his head back and rubbing his face as if he were bored to death. At one point he winked at someone in the audience! He looked like a tool! If you are running for office you have to remember that you are being judged 100% of the time and there is no arguing that. I liked Robby’s answers but the vibe he put off when he was not answering a question really made me feel like everything he said was just an act.

I had to leave around 8 pm but was happy that I had the chance to see the candidates in person. Sandra and Kevin should have my vote unless they do something crazy between now and the election. My third vote is up in the air between Perkins and Rakestraw. Rakestraw seems on point but she seemed a little aloof. I'm not trying to be mean by saying what I am about to say but I'm sure it’s what hundreds of others have already thought to themselves. Rakestraw, needs to start asking people about her attire. The flag vest was over kill and the photo on your flyer makes you look crazy. Purple eye liner, bright red lipstick and the giant pearl necklace are all fashion nightmares!

I want to say again that Bill Knight seems like a very nice guy. If Perkins and Rakestraw end up turning me off, Knight will have a vote from me. I think his accounting background could really help some of the budget issues.

Oh and one more thing. Every candidate that I have seen speak mentions that they only manage one person, the city manager. I feel like this statement is made so that they can distance themselves from the police fiasco. I really wish that all candidates that have been in office that are currently running had to answer this question, “The one person you manage has failed the city. How does that reflect on you and if you can’t manage one person why should you be re-elected?”

PS- The guy that is doing the write in campaign for mayor was at the forum handing out cards. Is this guy joking?

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