Monday, October 22, 2007

At Large Candidate Sandra Anderson Opens Up

Or not.

Two candidates for the Greensboro At Large race (Perkins and Knight) have opened up and answered two very simple questions that I asked them via email. These same two questions were sent to Sandra Anderson on October 17 and I have not received any type of response.

I have heard good things about her but not responding to an email is pathetic. Really, think this email thing. If she didn't want to answer the questions she could hit reply and simply say, "I'm not interested in answering the questions via email. Please come hear me speak at X forum on X date." That took about 5 seconds to type.

Why does she not have a Web site of any kind? If she can't respond to a simple email how will she respond to voters needs once she is in office?

UPDATE: Just got this email from Sandra and will hopefully have some answers very soon.

"Good morning. I read your blog this morning. I'm not making any excuses, but I don't remember receiving your questions. I will be happy to answer them."

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