Monday, October 22, 2007

At Large Candidate Bill Knight Opens Up

A week or so ago I sent Robbie Perkins an email asking him why someone in the 25 - 35 age demo should vote for him. I also asked him who he would vote for if he were not in the At Large race. I have asked the same questions to Bill Knight. It took him five days to answer the questions but is answers are below.

"1) I decided to run for City Council out of concern that our present council has its eye off the ball on the important issues of the day. I have deep business experience that the Council lacks. I understand the budget and am concerned about trends that are developing in the city’s financial picture. I want the Council to roll up its sleeves and get to work on the difficult decisions that lay ahead. I am in favor of increased attention to our economic future, but I recognize the need to balance economic growth with our ability to service growth without penalizing the citizens through increased taxes and poorer services: for example, further water restriction. I do not favor tax incentives unless they provide a win-win that no one can dispute will make Greensboro better and not burden the taxpayers. I want to see lingering unanswered questions about the Project Homestead investigation addressed. I want the city to step forward to acknowledge that the SBI investigation and Guilford Grand Jury found no fault with former police Chief David Wray. I want to lead efforts to restore his good name so he can get on with his life and find meaningful employment elsewhere. I want another city manager. I have no conflicts of interest that will compromise my ability to serve, and I refused the endorsement or financial support of all special interest groups.

2) If I were not running I would be inclined to vote for Mary Rakestraw, Marikay A., and Sandra Groat. Mary is politically savvy; Marikay owns a small business and is passionate about our water situation; and If Sandra continues to distance herself from the current Council I think she can be an effective voice for responsible government, even though she is a sitting member. Everyone wants a wholesale change in city government; if I were not running, Mary, Marikay, and possibly Sandra offer the best chance for a real change."

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