Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mark Zuckerberg... Worth $3 billion!

This is Mark Zuckerbeg. Oh, you don't know the name? Did you know he had a net worth of $3 billion at the age of 23? Facebook ring a bell? He created it. Check out some facts on Mark below (you might find yourself shaking your head and saying "damn").

Drops out of Harvard (obvious in hindsight, but a move perhaps 0.2% of Harvard students would ever consider).

Builds Facebook.

Blows away competition.

Raises plenty of top-tier venture capital.

Walks away from guaranteed dynastic wealth (and annoying last-minute negotiating ploy) offered by Yahoo mogul CEO Terry Semel.

Ignores outraged "experts" raving about lunacy of Facebook $6 billion valuation.

Ignores outraged "experts" raving about lunacy of Facebook $10 billion valuation.

Triggers bidding war between Google and Microsoft.

Ignores outraged "experts" raving about lunacy of Facebook $10-$15 valuation.

Makes smart decision to raise a mountain of money when he can instead of when he has to.

Masterfully negotiates through press, dissing Microsoft (and stoking Ballmer competitive fire).

Makes Microsoft pay $240 million for the right to sell remnant ads in Europe while setting valuation for financing at $15 billion--and gives up
almost nothing in return.

Takes another
$500 million from New York hedge funds.

Establishes paper net worth of approximately $3 billion at age 23.

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