Friday, October 12, 2007

Tell Others Why They Should Vote

Yesterday I posted this blog that got a few folks fired up. I went back to Ed Cone's original post that prompted my blog entry and saw the following comment from Joe,

"I know a whole lot of people who aren't happy with the state of things in Greensboro, but who've told me they didn't vote yesterday and probably won't vote in November because it won't make any difference, all politicians are alike, nothing's going to change, etc. I don't agree with them, but I'm finding it hard to make any headway against the apathy."
I think this is a very good point. Do you think people don't vote because they don't care or because they feel nothing will change? Feel free to bring up that we "owe it to our veterans" to vote but please understand that the statement doesn't offer most folks much motivation. In no way do I disagree with the statement so don't say that I do.

If you are going to comment, your comment should only offer a suggestion on how to get people to vote... both young and old. On a local level, how do you get a person to vote for something that has appeared to be a joke for so long? I would be very interested to hear what Sandy Carmany has to say to these questions (not because I don't like her but because she seems to be very open).

PS- I will be voting in November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the kudos on the comment. it was mine, not joe's, btw. and i wish i had the answer on how to get people to vote. i'm asking the question, too.