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Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Google Social Networking Platform- Orkut

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
synerG Candidate Survey Greensboro City Council Elections
I just received this email from the fine folks at synerG.
"synerG, under the umbrella of Action Greensboro, is an active volunteer organization of young adults in Greensboro, North Carolina leading initiatives with the mission to attract, engage and connect Young Professionals to Greensboro.
In preparation for the upcoming City Council Election, the synerG Leadership Initiative gave candidates the opportunity to reach our membership through a survey designed by Greensboro’s Young Professionals themselves. We are interested in helping our more than 1,000 members stay informed and involved in local government and encourage participation in every election.
Please note: this survey was conducted via www.surveymonkey.com without the aid of spell check. To maintain the integrity of both our organization and the responses given by candidates, answers are published as they were submitted and have not been edited for spelling or grammar."
Click here to check out the survey. Thanks to synerG for doing their part.
"synerG, under the umbrella of Action Greensboro, is an active volunteer organization of young adults in Greensboro, North Carolina leading initiatives with the mission to attract, engage and connect Young Professionals to Greensboro.
In preparation for the upcoming City Council Election, the synerG Leadership Initiative gave candidates the opportunity to reach our membership through a survey designed by Greensboro’s Young Professionals themselves. We are interested in helping our more than 1,000 members stay informed and involved in local government and encourage participation in every election.
Please note: this survey was conducted via www.surveymonkey.com without the aid of spell check. To maintain the integrity of both our organization and the responses given by candidates, answers are published as they were submitted and have not been edited for spelling or grammar."
Click here to check out the survey. Thanks to synerG for doing their part.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Kay Hagan and Peoples Comments
I had the opportunity to hear Kay Hagan speak about a month ago and I thought she was a very interesting and has done a good job representing Guilford County (from what I have seen). A day or so before I saw her speak she announced that she would not be running for the United States Senate. Rumors have been flying lately that she has changed her mind and will be running in 08. This morning all of that speculation came to an end. The Kay Hagan for United States Senate campaign is on! She has posted a video on her Web site that you should take a minute to watch.
Ed Cone, a Greensboro blogger has also posted this story on his blog but what I would like to draw your attention to is the comments that people have made. Why is it people want others to fail so badly? Is it because they have failed at life and want someone to join their club? One of the comments (By Dr. Mary Johnson) was, “A "fresh voice" in Washington? Are you kidding?” Maybe she isn’t kidding.
Ed Cone, a Greensboro blogger has also posted this story on his blog but what I would like to draw your attention to is the comments that people have made. Why is it people want others to fail so badly? Is it because they have failed at life and want someone to join their club? One of the comments (By Dr. Mary Johnson) was, “A "fresh voice" in Washington? Are you kidding?” Maybe she isn’t kidding.
Teachers Get Bonuses
The teaching profession is one of the most undervalued careers in today’s job market. Thanks to the Mission Possible performance bonus system. The bonus system is structured around the end-of-course and end-of-grade test. According to
Monday, October 29, 2007
Kern Steps Up Game and Targets Johnson
I just saw this on Ed Cone's site. He says "Kern goes negative." Would you call this negative or the truth? After reviewing Johnsons campaign records, I would have to say truth. If you live in Greensboro and there is a large plot of open land near your home... it has to make you wonder who is on your side.

Milton Kern Committed to Becoming Mayor Without Being Bought by Big Business
“When I am elected as Mayor on November 6, I will have a clear conscience and not feel obligated to vote one way or another on important issues,” said Milton Kern, candidate for Mayor. “Greensboro is a thriving city but is in great need of an energetic Mayor that can lead the city with the people’s best interest at heart. Residents need a Mayor that has not been rumored to be involved with past scandals such as Project Homestead and that has not run a campaign heavily funded by individuals that have a vested interest in getting a certain person elected as Mayor.”
It is no secret that Kern’s opponent in the race for Mayor has raised money from those doing business with city hall. Large developers such as Edward Krusch ($4,000 donation), Bill Kotis ($1,000 donation) John Kavanagh of Kavanagh Homes ($500 donation), Koury Corp. (combined donation of $1,600), and Portrait Homes General Manager Zach Tran ($250) have donated thousands to Kerns opponents’ campaign fund. As it is widely known that Kern has been the back bone of downtown Greensboro’s redevelopment and has been in the construction business for more than 40 years, it seems strange that fellow developers would not be financially backing their colleague, and furthermore, that they are instead backing his opponent. Could this be due to his adamant stance that his vote on the City Council will not be bought?
Kern’s opponent has voted to approve several controversial issues brought on by developers… issues that negatively affect Greensboro residents like Guy Sanders.
Sanders who lives on what he describes as the “narrow, heavily and speedily traveled Horse Pen Creek Road” knows the importance of the City Councils vote. "More people have died or been seriously injured on this stretch of road between New Garden and Battleground than any other road in Greensboro over the last 10 years," said Sanders. "What makes it more outrageous is the City Council approved the development of the Portrait Homes plan (on Horse Pen Creek Road) knowing full well of the problems on this street."
When you vote on November 6, vote for Milton Kern and know that when the next big development comes along he will vote for what is right for the people, not what is right for the developers.

Milton Kern Committed to Becoming Mayor Without Being Bought by Big Business
Greensboro, NC. (October 29, 2007) – They seem to be everywhere: on yard signs, in magazines, in the newspapers, on the radio and on TV. They are the candidates hoping to win your vote and become part of the Greensboro City Government. Have you ever wondered who pays for all of that advertising? One thing is for sure, Milton Kern, the front runner in the race for Mayor refuses to be bought by individuals and businesses that only want him in office for their own personal gain.
“When I am elected as Mayor on November 6, I will have a clear conscience and not feel obligated to vote one way or another on important issues,” said Milton Kern, candidate for Mayor. “Greensboro is a thriving city but is in great need of an energetic Mayor that can lead the city with the people’s best interest at heart. Residents need a Mayor that has not been rumored to be involved with past scandals such as Project Homestead and that has not run a campaign heavily funded by individuals that have a vested interest in getting a certain person elected as Mayor.”
It is no secret that Kern’s opponent in the race for Mayor has raised money from those doing business with city hall. Large developers such as Edward Krusch ($4,000 donation), Bill Kotis ($1,000 donation) John Kavanagh of Kavanagh Homes ($500 donation), Koury Corp. (combined donation of $1,600), and Portrait Homes General Manager Zach Tran ($250) have donated thousands to Kerns opponents’ campaign fund. As it is widely known that Kern has been the back bone of downtown Greensboro’s redevelopment and has been in the construction business for more than 40 years, it seems strange that fellow developers would not be financially backing their colleague, and furthermore, that they are instead backing his opponent. Could this be due to his adamant stance that his vote on the City Council will not be bought?
Kern’s opponent has voted to approve several controversial issues brought on by developers… issues that negatively affect Greensboro residents like Guy Sanders.
Sanders who lives on what he describes as the “narrow, heavily and speedily traveled Horse Pen Creek Road” knows the importance of the City Councils vote. "More people have died or been seriously injured on this stretch of road between New Garden and Battleground than any other road in Greensboro over the last 10 years," said Sanders. "What makes it more outrageous is the City Council approved the development of the Portrait Homes plan (on Horse Pen Creek Road) knowing full well of the problems on this street."
Kern recently saw further evidence that his opponent was mysteriously being sought after by the local development community. A “Get to Know the Candidates” town hall meeting sponsored by Portrait Homes and Zach Tran is planned for Monday October 29th at 6pm at The Palms at Westridge. As of October 24, Kern’s opponent was confirmed to be at the meeting along with other city council candidates. As of October 29th at 2pm, Kern was not invited to this meeting and calls placed to Zach Tran about the possibility of Kern attending were not returned.
When you vote on November 6, vote for Milton Kern and know that when the next big development comes along he will vote for what is right for the people, not what is right for the developers.
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