Friday, November 2, 2007

Site Address Change

If you have by chance bookmarked this page, I have started using a different blogging system and the address has changed to:

That is the "behind the scenes" address but you can always simply type in and that will get you to the blog. The new system is a bit more advanced than blogger.

Thanks for reading and check out the new site.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Google Social Networking Platform- Orkut

Google’s new social networking site is called Orkut. There is a lot of talk that Google is going to do all it can to overtake Facebook in the social networking arena since they lost the recent bid to purchase part of Facebook to Microsoft. Out of curiosity I made an Orkut account and started tooling around. It is very similar to Facebook but I noticed something very strange. When I did a search for individuals living in Greensboro I was amazed at how many people that appeared to be of the Indian descent (Did I just break a pc rule by saying Indian?) Of the 15 or so pages that came up under this Greensboro search only 15 – 20 people appeared to be American. Google is either doing a test with fake info or a certain population got a heads up on Orkut. Check it out… its interesting to say the least.