Thursday, September 27, 2007

Popcorn Business... No I'm Serious

I know you have seen the articles that bring up the fact that certain businesses in downtown Greensboro have had to shut down due to lack of business. These articles always bother me because they are very one-sided. The one that sticks out in my head was of course printed by the lovely folks at the News & Record.

No one ever brings up the qualifications of the person running the business… or the business concept. Did you know a popcorn store is opening in downtown Greensboro (in the strip across from McCoul’s)? Does that make you shake your head? When is the last time you were heading down Elm St. and said, “I sure would like to have some popcorn?” Let’s imagine that the rent on this space is $2,000 (which is very low) and the average tub/bag of popcorn is $5. That means they have to sell 400 bags of popcorn each month just to break even! I wish the business owner the best of luck... but man, they better be putting something great into their popcorn.

I think going forward city officials really need to take a closer look at the businesses that go into downtown.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Are men happier than women?

Did you ever imagine that men would be happier than women? Women always seem to be so chipper but it appears to be a cover up. Why do they do that? Wouldn't you be happier if you just let loose and showed your feelings? After all, women are supposed to be the feeling experts. Click the image below for some stats on the subject.

Mayor Race

Is it pathetic that I have no clue as to what the candidates for the upcoming Greensboro election (mayor) stand for? Milton Kern is the only name I can even think of

Do you?

Should I even care?

I do know that I emailed the person taking care of Milton Kern’s blog and informed them of multiple spelling/grammar errors. By no means am I grammatical genius but when you are staging a campaign, you should at least get things like spelling and grammar triple checked.
The site still has some of the errors. For example, if you are running for mayor, the M in mayor should not be capitalized. You only capitalize a title if it is directly before the person’s name. Ex. President Bush vs. the president said…

Friday, September 21, 2007

Daily News

Did you ever think a little Web site called MySpace would allow teenagers to make millions? Check out this story.

Copy cat- Nooses have been found hanging from a tree at Andrews High School. Watch this Fox 8 report.

What do you think about WFMY's news project? It is really great that they are stepping out and trying to do more with the Web, but should they not have just converted